Under Article 42 of the Academic Regulations of Hankyong National University, Hankyong National University students must pay the prescribed tuition by the designated registration date each semester.
Registration Period
- 1st semester February
- 2nd semester August
The detailed schedule is announced on the website before the start of each semester.
Tuition Fee Information: Class of 2023
Tuition is set at the beginning of each year by the Tuition Review Committee
Tuition Calculation
Semester System
- Your home department's semester tuition rate, regardless of the number of credits you have applied for
Credit System
- The number of credits you requested x Affiliate's credit hourly rate equals
- Credit Tuition Applies: Undergraduate Evening Students
The credit tuition rate also applies to students who have exceeded the academic year and are on academic probation.
- A student who enrolls in a course after the term has ended but has yet to earn the required number of credits to graduate.
- Courses below the bachelor's degree (semester students only)
- One-sixth of the semester's tuition for credits one through three
- One-third of the semester's tuition for credits 4 through 6
- One-half of the semester's tuition for 7 through 9 credits
- For 10 or more credits, full tuition for the semester
- Master's degree and above
- One-half of the semester's tuition for credits 1 through 3
- For 4 or more credits, full tuition for the semester
Bachelor's Degree Deferred
- Students registering for classes after the class year has passed but have yet to earn the required graduation credits.
- When registering for a course
- Same as for bachelor's degree or lower courses
- Students who do not enroll in a course or only enroll in a fieldwork course
- 100,000 KRW
Seasonal Tuition
- Credits applied for x Seasonal course tuition rate Price per credit